Looking for a new way to serve up an easy, yet impressive appetizer for your next meal or potluck? Or perhaps you’ve bee missing your favorite deviled eggs on a plant-based diet. Whatever brought you to this recipe, you’re about to be very very pleased.

Using egg-sized mini potatoes, we made a deviled potato that tastes (and we’re not kidding) nearly exactly like a deviled egg’s filling. It’s creamy, tangy, and packs that punch of flavor you know and love.

Surprise your guests with something NEW, and completely allergen and dietary friendly, so you’ll be sure that everyone can enjoy them!

Servings: 12


  • 12 Mini Yellow-Fleshed Potatoes (approx. egg sized, if you can find them)
  • 1/4 Cup Vegan Mayonnaise (we used Hellman's)
  • 1 tbsp Mustard
  • 1 tbsp Almond Milk
  • Salt & Pepper, to taste
  • 1/4 tsp Paprika (plus more for garnish)
  • 1 tbsp dried or fresh Chives (plus more for garnish)


  • Mixing Bowl
  • Piping Bag & Wide Tip


  • Steam or microwave cook your potatoes until cooked through.
  • Slice off the top 1/3 of the potato, and carefully spoon out the centre, placing the insides into a separate bowl - leaving some of the potato still in it's skin as to keep the potato still in tact. Place the potato shells aside.
  • In a mixing bowl, mash the potato flesh while combining with mustard, vegan mayo, salt, pepper, paprika, chives & almond milk.
  • Scoop mixture into your piping bag.
  • Pipe the mixture back into the potato skin shells, and garnish the tops with additional paprika and chives.
  • Serve warm or at room temperature.
Sarah Nicole

Since successfully losing 100lbs by changing her relationship with food and her body, Sarah has taken her passion for food and balanced it between cucumbers and cupcakes. When she's not bustling her way around a kitchen, you can find her working out or winding down at home with her 3 kids and pug. Follow Sarah's journey on Instagram @TheBirdsPapaya.

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