Canada Day weekend is almost here and what better way to celebrate it than with poutine! Known as our unofficial national dish, poutine is as ingrained into us as hockey is. Poutine traditionally is a very simple French Canadian dish. Fresh cut french fries are smothered in cheese curds then covered in hot gravy. The cheese melts and creates a delicious, but fattening, meal. Americans have adopted our dish and it is quickly becoming world renowned.

The fries/cheese/gravy combo is a great base for extraordinary flavors. Here are 10 amazing variations to try!


1. Smoked Meat Poutine 


2. Taco Poutine


3. Salmon Chowder Poutine


4. Bacon Poutine


5. Breakfast Poutine


6. Poutine Pizza


7. Curry Poutine


8. Burger Poutine


9. Gnocchi Poutine


10. Cupcake Poutine



Check out our favorite funny poutine-related video, courtesy of Epic Meal Time:

Angela Nightingale

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