It’s easy to get kids to eat when it’s on their terms. But what happens when you try and integrate new foods, more vegetables, beans and legumes onto their plates? Scrunched up noses and secret feedings to the family dog, typically. Nowadays, many families are shifting to a more plant-based and vegan diet, and while it’s a huge transition for many, the kids don’t have to feel like they’re lacking in their favorites while the big switch happens. Giving them the opportunity to LOVE the foods they’re eating, these recipes tantalize their taste buds and entertain their palates in new ways that the whole family can be proud of! Pick the ones you think your little ones will love and get creating!

1. Homemade Vegan Spaghetti-o’s

Allergy and gluten-free while also remaining vegan, this is a recipe to keep on hand for picky eaters, and for when your child’s friends are over and you’re not quite sure what their dietary restrictions are!

This recipe uses gluten-free anellini pasta, tomato sauce, non-dairy milk, nutritional yeast, tomato paste and some seasonings to make an easy and quick dinner option they’ll love, and you can be proud to serve! PHOTO & RECIPE HERE: Strength & Sunshine

2. Vegan Broccoli Cheese Soup

In a soup, it’s easy to hide the fact that there’s not really any dairy in it when it comes to kid’s taste buds. They eat with their eyes first, after all, and with this recipe, they won’t be able to tell that it’s vegan at all (that is if you’re being sneaky about it).

This thick and creamy broccoli soup is a favorite for kids, it’s simple in taste and one of the few acceptable ways they’ll enjoy broccoli! A definite must try, especially on a rainy or cold night. PHOTOS & RECIPE HERE: Stacey Homemaker

3. Vegan Corndog Bites

It’s no hidden fact that kids love finger food, any excuse to get their hands involved at dinner time, the better (in their opinion). So these little corndog balls fit the part of the wish list they’ll care about the most, and you can take care of making sure it tastes great.

This recipe is full of appeal for kids, and are perfect not only for dinners but for lunch boxes at school the next day. Using vegan hot dogs of your choosing, you can create these little bites for a dinner they won’t even bat their eye at for being meat-free. PHOTO & RECIPE HERE: This Savory Vegan

4. Frozen Chocolate Covered Bananas

Rule of thumb when it comes to kids: if it has chocolate on it, they’ll eat it. Actually, that rule applies to adults too, now that I think about it.

This recipe doesn’t require any real cooking, just some melting and some freezing – that’s simple enough, right? Taking bananas in halves and onto lollipop sticks, you can then spread each of them with peanut butter before dipping into some dark dairy-free melted chocolate  before placing on a parchment or wax lined PHOTO & RECIPE HERE: Joy, Food, Sunshine

5. Nicer Krispie Squares

A childhood favorite revamped to be not only entirely vegan but also nut-free, oil-free and gluten-free. It’s free of all the common allergens making it great for your kids and their lunchboxes!

Rice Krispies are traditionally not vegan because of their use of butter and gelatin-based marshmallows. So with a recipe that adapts perfectly without little tastebuds noticing there’s something different about these ones. Made with coconut butter, brown rice syrup, sea salt, and some natural brown rice crispy cereal, this is a cleaner version than the one you grew up with, and now your little ones will know new norms! PHOTO & RECIPE HERE: Eats Amazing

6. Mini Vegan Freezer “Cheesecakes”

Completely customizable to your little one’s favorite flavors, these little mini cheesecakes are a no-bake delight that is created in mini muffin tins, set and stored in the freezer for easy grabbing whenever you please.

Made with clean ingredients, while we showed these in chocolate, peanut butter and berry, you can easily adapt the recipe to whatever flavors you choose. They’re going to be great no matter what. PHOTO & RECIPE HERE: Forkly

7. Easy Rainbow Sushi

This recipe is so fun and colorful, and the kids will love the chance to use their favorite utensils – chopsticks!! Or if they’re too little, fingers.

These little veggie rolls will delight everyone in the family with a fresh, vegan and homemade version of sushi that’s easy to make (so don’t be intimidated) and easy to enjoy together. PHOTO & RECIPE HERE: Easy Amazing

8. Healthy No-Bake Unicorn Cookies

Woah, unicorn cookies? Woah…NO-BAKE? Wait wait….and VEGAN!? It sounds as mythological as unicorns. But nope, this is real, and we all need to make these.

Using 4 simple ingredients, these cookies are made with coconut flour, cashew butter (sub for seed butter if needed) maple syrup and some vegan sprinkles! That’s it!! PHOTO & RECIPE HERE: The Big Mans World

9. Lentil Meatloaf

When it comes to a simple dinner you can guarantee they’ll enjoy, something as savory yet simple on their young palate will be a perfect idea on a busy weeknight.

This “meat” loaf is made with lentils, which is packed with nutrients that are great for your growing humans, but more importantly, be worthy of their stamp of approval. PHOTO & RECIPE HERE: Yummy Mummy Kitchen

10. Vegan Mexican Tortilla Roll-Ups

Colorful finger food? You have yourself a family-dinner win here! The great part is, even though it’s packed with veggies, it’s so creatively rolled up that kids won’t be picking their way through it. They’ll be happy to grab one and dip in salsa and move onto the next.

This is also a great party appetizer when you need some great vegan options that everyone will enjoy. The recipe is seamless so you won’t have any scrunched up noses for the fact that it is also meat and dairy free, unlike a lot of Mexican cuisines. Roll up your sleeves and get making these roll-ups for dinner! PHOTO & RECIPE HERE: The Stingy Vegan

11. Watermelon Popsicles
With the use of fresh fruit ingredients such as watermelons, strawberries, and kiwi, these popsicles are just as cute to look at as they are delicious to eat!

That creamy layer you see is from coconut milk, which adds an amazing taste & texture to these popsicles. Better yet, there’s no added sugar since they are so naturally sweet already. Kids will love these and so will you! PHOTO & RECIPE HERE: Bigger Bolder Baking

12. Berry Delicious Vegan Gummies

Kids and gummies, they are truly a natural pairing. These gummies, however, are gelatin-free making them perfectly vegan and ready for the lunch box!

Using silicon molds (often in the form of an ice cube tray) you can make these sweet treats that are filled with nutritious and sweet berries. What makes them “gummy” is the use of agar, a derivative of algae. Only 3 ingredients to make these, so they’re even great for the kids to help create! PHOTO & RECIPE HERE: Karissa’s Vegan Kitchen

13. Fruit Rolls

Not to be confused with the sugar-laden ways of fruit-roll ups, these fruit rolls are healthy and easy to pack. You can make these fun with different shapes and your little one’s favorite fruits to make these a fun after-school snack or lunchbox addition!

Not to mention, they’re incredibly fun to dip in a dairy-free chocolate sauce, yogurt or a coconut cream whipped topping! PHOTO & RECIPE HERE: Vegan Heaven

14. Chickpea Nuggets

When it comes to mealtime favorites, chicken nuggets tend to be the one that kids will ask for the most. If you’re seeking a vegan alternative, then this is the recipe for you!

In this creative and healthy dinner option for the whole family, it’s simply made with ingredients you know and love and likely already have in the cupboard! Break out the ketchup, these nuggets are certainly going to be a win! PHOTO & RECIPE HERE: The Kitchn

15. Kid & Adult Friendly (Vegan) Mac & Cheese

When I first made this recipe, I brought it to my kids and wondered if they’d notice anything. My son was quick to just note how delicious it was. I waited until he took seconds before telling him it was completely dairy-free. That’s right, no cheese at all, kiddo!

Using butternut squash, coconut milk, and of course – nutritional yeast, we created a vegan dinner, that’s undetectable as being cheese-less. This recipe will not disappoint. PHOTO & RECIPE HERE: Forkly

Sarah Nicole

Since successfully losing 100lbs by changing her relationship with food and her body, Sarah has taken her passion for food and balanced it between cucumbers and cupcakes. When she's not bustling her way around a kitchen, you can find her working out or winding down at home with her 3 kids and pug. Follow Sarah's journey on Instagram @TheBirdsPapaya.

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