We all know that chocolate is not safe for dogs, but thankfully – there’s this legume called carob that mimics chocolate, is safe for dogs and allows us to make them a homemade treat, easily that they will absolutely LOVE.

Carob mixed with peanut butter, peanuts and topped with dog biscuits makes a snap-worthy bark that you can make, break, bag and gift to your favorite furry friends.

Be warned: carob still has sugar in it and just like kids, dogs can get some energy from these treats! So, as much as they beg for them, try not to overfeed them!

If you’re looking for more guidance on dog-safe foods, read this article on what foods you should never feed your dog HERE

Servings: 24


  • 2 cups carob chips
  • 1/2 cup smooth peanut butter (be sure that Xylitol is not listed in the ingredients as it's toxic to dogs)
  • 1/2 cup unsalted peanuts
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 cup mini dog biscuits


  • Parchment lined sheet pan
  • Microwave safe mixing bowl


  • Melt your carob chips in 30 second intervals in the microwave, using a microwave-safe mixing bowl, stirring between.
  • Add in peanut butter, peanuts and honey, and continue to mix until everything is well blended.
  • Spread out the mixture onto a parchment-lined sheet pan and top with mini dog biscuits of your choosing.
  • Let chill for 10-15 minutes to set.
  • Once set, break apart and bag or store in containers in the fridge or freezer for best long-lasting treats!


Sarah Nicole

Since successfully losing 100lbs by changing her relationship with food and her body, Sarah has taken her passion for food and balanced it between cucumbers and cupcakes. When she's not bustling her way around a kitchen, you can find her working out or winding down at home with her 3 kids and pug. Follow Sarah's journey on Instagram @TheBirdsPapaya.

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