Red Wine is the perfect adult beverage for a family or friend gathering where stories are being shared and good food is being served. It is easy to pour it in a glass to sip on, but it can also be carefully measured and added to some incredible dishes to add a memorable flavor to your supper. At your next family gathering, whether it be dinner or dessert, bring one of these amazing dishes with you to wow your loved ones and provide a quality Foodie experience! We are thankful red wine is not only a drink, but also a cooking ingredient as well.

1. Red Wine Chocolate Cake

Chocolate cake. It’s perfect in every way, so why mess with it? Well, when there’s an opportunity to add some red wine into the mix, chocolate cake gets taken to a whole new level of incredible. Photos and Recipe By: Wine and Glue

2. Mediterranean Style Wine Braised Lamb Shanks with Vegetables

Needing a new recipe to incorporate into your weekly menu? This one pot wonder is so scrumptious, gourmet, and has veggies cooked right along with the meat. Photos and Recipe By: The Mediterranean Dish

3. Drunken Pork Chops

These pork chops can transition from a nice family meal to a late night leftover snack – as per the title. Serve up with a yummy salad and potatoes, or throw a slice on a bun for a sandwich the next day. Photos and Recipe By: The Life Of Jolie

4. Red Wine Steak Marinade

If you need a new steak marinade, look no further! This saucy coat of goodness will douse your steak deep in flavor and ensure that you get the full steak dinner experience. Photos and Recipe By: The Bewitchin Kitchen

5. Drunken Red Wine Spaghetti with Spicy Chorizo and Black Kale

Skip the regular spaghetti recipe and opt for a creative meal that has black kale and spicy chorizo sausage in it to make the dish extra exciting. Photos and Recipe By: The Endless Meal

6. Red Wine, Mushroom and Thyme Risotto

Risotto is one of those incredible, crave-able dishes that can be intimidating to try at home. With these careful instructions, you will lead your family to a memorable supper! Photos and Recipe By: Life As A Strawberry

7. Slow Cooked Short Rib Ragu

When you have some time to spare, create a short rib ragu that is so tender and filled with flavor, it melts in your mouth. The best part is, there’s red wine in it! Photos and Recipe By: Girl Gone Gourmet

8. Red Wine Beef Stew

Make your beef stew a party in your mouth with the help of some red wine. Serve with home made bread and sip your favorite vino as you enjoy your well earned supper! Photos and Recipe By: Fox and Briar

9. Vegetables in Red Wine Reduction Over Potato Puree

For the vegetarians in the crowd, this dish incorporates our beloved red wine into an impressive dish that looks absolutely beautiful on a plate. Photos and Recipe By: The Beautiful Balance

10.  Red Wine Hot Chocolate

End a chilly night with a hot cup of cocoa…and wine – at the same time! This adults only beverage is perfect for after a hockey game or a chilly stroll outside. Photos and Recipe By: Imma Eat That

Lindsay Duncan

Lindsay loves cooking fun and creative meals for friends and family. At home, you can find her trying out a new recipe found on Pinterest while trying to balance her husband's sweet tooth with her healthy eating habits. If she's not in the kitchen, you'll find Lindsay photographing people she loves and going out with friends to try the newest restaurant in her small town.

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